2025 Registration
Looking for Players
Some age groups are still open for registration. Please email Gabby if you are enquiring about a place in U9 & U10 as we are looking for players in this age group.
Net Set Go (7-9 years) registrations are still open at this link.
Late Registrations
If you have already been assigned to a team - but are registering late - click here.

For ages 7-9 years as at 31 December 2025.
Fee: $319 (DBD fee) + RNA, NNSW and NA fees
This fee covers:
- Coaching for the duration of the season
- Game day umpire/coach
- Training court hire
- EOY trophy & gift
- NSG in season Workshop/Clinic
Please note that NetSetGO teams are coached by Junior coaches (U18) under the mentorship of our Senior coaches.
NSW Government Active Kids Vouchers
We accept Active Kids vouchers. Please apply for your voucher first at Service NSW then come back here to complete your registration.
Other Details
Training days and venues will be confirmed once teams have been formed. Double Bay Diamonds cannot guarantee that training will be on the same day/time as last year, nor any specific day/hour for training.
Double Bay Diamonds will make every effort to place all registrants into a suitable team. If we are unable to do so we will contact the parent as soon as possible and refund all monies. Similarly, Double Bay Diamonds retains the right to refuse a registration for any reason.
Saturday coaching is provided for the games only. Warm-up is the responsibility of parents, as our coaches are busy with earlier games.
All DBD players must trial. At competition level teams are formed according to playing ability. If two or more players prefer to play together, then they will be placed in the lowest graded team selected for any of the players. All players must be in agreement for this to happen. Please let us know via email before the trials if you would prefer to play with a friend.